February 20, 2008

Observing or Learning?

When reading the three essay assigned for todays class, it made me question my own beliefs on why we consider art important in society and what do we all learn from art being present amongst us. All three of the authors address the questions of what is art's purpose and how can we learn from it in their individual writings.

Feagin shows that painting and sculpture can take the audience away from the reality of everyday lives with its physical characteristics. When looking at a painting or sculpture, the viewer is placed in a situation where they have to participate and react to the visual aspects of the piece. She says that the art can allow for personal "make believe." I do think that art does make room for imagination. Not only was the initial work composed based off the artists' imaginations but the viewer has room to interpret things the way they want to see them; all in all creating space for one's imagination to take flight. She talks greatly about the use of reproduction of art and how that can change the actual aesthetic experience.

Murdoch describes art in terms of accessibility. He describes the relationships between art and nature and the human who is creating the art. I think that it is correct what he says when he describes that art is more about the human who is actually experiencing the environment and nature around them compared to just nature itself. He talks a lot about the actual existence of things is nature and how humans exist with certain attitudes.

Nussbaum talks about the use of literature and how is can be used as a tool to investigate emotions. The use of metaphor and literature goes hand in hand with the discussion of art because of the ability for it to show ideas. A writer writes a novel to tell a story where an artist can paint a picture to tell the same story. A writer can write about an important issue or give their personal opinion on what they think that issue is about where an artist can do the same thing through different mediums. Nussbaum basically states that the use of literature gives society a sense of knowledge that is not capable through other means of art.

1. What do you think is the best medium to convey and idea or something that is important to get out to the public?

2. What does one typically "learn" when looking at art?

3. Would you compare literature and painting on the same level?

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